Hello world!

Filed under: SMJK Dindings — Wrote by portaladmin.adi@smjk.edu.my on Thursday, August 9th, 2007 @ 8:53 pm

Welcome to SMJK DINDINGS Blogs. You are welcome to comment, suggest and participate if you are interested in integration of ICT in education.

Have you heard of a rural wooden walls and zinc roofs school being transformed into the most wired public school in Malaysia  today? The really came about all because of one man’s dogged belief that it only takes one person to make the difference….

About SMJK Dindings

Filed under: SMJK Dindings — Wrote by portaladmin.adi@smjk.edu.my on Thursday, August 9th, 2007 @ 8:53 pm

RFIDSMJK Dindings is a “Bantuan Modal” (partially aided) school where the government is responsible for teachers’ salaries and some administrative expenses. Faced with a limited financial constrain for development, SMJK Dindings managed to work with various interested parties to build and deploy one of the most advanced ICT infrastructure in school in this part of the world. The challenges and the barriers encountered in the integration process defy imaginations. The successful integration of ICT into the education system is mainly due to the commitment by the management of the school, the ICT infrastructure and training programs and the easy access to ICT facilities. The utilization of Open Source software such as squidGuard for Internet filtering, Pykota for print monitoring, web-based School Management System, real-time Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) online attendance, merit and demerit systems are some of the indicators to the successful integration of ICT into school curriculum.